The Teacher's Voice
A Literary Journal for Poets and Writers in Education




Is There a War on Public Education?

Back to School: Widening Inequality
August 25, 2014

The Public School Counterinsurgency Field Manual
T. Elijah Hawkes
Huffington Post, August 8, 2014

The Myth Behind Public School Failure
Dean Paton
Yes! Magazine, February 22,2014

The System's Real Problems: Poverty & Segregation
Diane Ravitch
Los Angeles Times: Op Ed, October 1, 2013

New Data Show School "Reformers" are Full of It
David Sirota
Salon, June 3, 2013

The Coming Revolution in Public Education
by John Tierney
The Atlantic, April 25, 2013

 Market-Oriented Reforms Rhetoric
Trumps Reality
Broader Bolder Approach to Education


The Race to Nowhere

Lean Production: Inside the Real War on Public Education 
by Will Johnson
Chicago Teachers Union Blog, February 8, 2013

 Is Demography Still Destiny?
The Annenberg Institute for School Reform

A Model T Education: Public Schooling on the Assembly Lin
Adam Bessie

Daily Censored | January 6, 2013Sunday, 06 January 2013 12:05  JSunday, 06 January 2013 12:05   

Schools Kill Creativity
Ken Robinson

The War on Teachers:
Why the public is watching it happen.
Mark Naison
Washington Post, March 12, 2012

How to Destroy Education
While Making a Trillion Dollars
Robert Freeman
Common Dreams, April 29, 2012

The Assault on Public Education
Noam Chomsky
Truthout, April 4, 2012 

War on Words: NYC Dept of Education
wants 50 words banned
from standardized tests

Confessions of a "Bad" Teacher

Video: Teacher Inactivist Man
Achievement Gap Woman

No History Is Illegal

 Do Politicians Know Anything
About Education? Anything?
Diane Ravitch
Nieman Watchdog, February 7, 2012

Poet-Bashing Police
Former U.S. Poet Laureate, Robert Hass
The New York Times
November 20, 2011

Education as Class Warfare
Peter Mclaren
The Socialist
Issue 4, 2011

A Tale of Two Schools
Brett Rosenthal
Wasthington Post: Post Local
The Answer Sheet: A School Survival Guide for Parents
August 22, 2011

The Inconvenient Truth
Behind Waiting for Superman

Partisan Politics, Neo-Liberal Ideology
and Struggle for Democracy and
Public Education in Puerto Rico

Victor M. Rodriguez, April 2, 2011

Beyond the Swindle of Corporate University:
Higher Education in the Service of Democracy

Henry A. Giroux
Truthout, January 18, 2011

Chicago School Reform: Myths, Realities, and New Visions
January, 2011

Diane Ravitch Answers Bill Gates
Washington Post
November 30, 2010

 The Appointment of Cathleen Black
and The Trouble with Corporate Education
The Huffington Post, November 27, 2010

Capitalism and The War on Public Education
Dissident Voice
Charles Sullivan, November 8, 2010

The Death Of Public Education
The Boston Globe
Derrick Z Jackson, April 6, 2010


Education Indoctrination
The Huffington Post
Leonie Haimson, September 28, 2010

An Upset Educator's
Letter to Oprah

September 24, 2010 

Democracy Now Video Interview
Leading Education Scholar Diane Ravitch:
No Child Left Behind Has Left US Schools
with Legacy of “Institutionalized Fraud”

Assaulting Solidarity -- Privatizing Education
SCEPSIS: Magazine of Science and Social Criticism

Noam Chomsky, December 17, 2000

Waging War over Public Education and Youth Services:
Challenging Corporate Control of Our Schools and Communities

Social Justice Vol. 32, No. 3 (2005)

Our Educational Apartheid
Urban Habitat: Journal of Race, Poverty, Environment
Jonathan Kozol

Charter Schools and The Attack on Public Education
International Socialist Review

Sarah Knopp (2008)

Obama's Betrayal of Public Education?
Truth Out, December 2008

The Business of Education: Teachers Missing at The Top
City Limits Weekly
June 1, 2009

The Global Assault on Teachers, Teaching, and Their Unions
Mary Compton and Lois Weiner

The War Against America's Public schools:
Privatizing Schools, Commercializing Education

Gerald W. Bracey

Pedagogy of Priviledge Conference Video
University of Denver, June 1st, 2009
Closing Plenary Speaker: Dr. Robert Jensen
"Beyond Multiculturalism: Taking Power and Privilege
Seriously in Teaching Diversity”




Education and Capitalism:
Struggles for Learning and Liberation
Haymarket Books

(You Tube RSA Video: Changing Educational Paradigms)

  Teachers Unite

Not Waiting For Superman

New York City Public School Parents

Education for Liberation Network

Grassroots Education Movement

The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy

New York Collective of Radical Educators

The Children's Defense Fund
Freedom Schools

Trinational Coalition to Defend
Public Education

The Black Star Project

Coalition for Public Education





Dissenters & On-The-Ground Writers




 Susan Ohanian                                                                                   



 Sam Anderson (NYC)



Education Notes Online (NYC)

     My Photo Norm Scott






 ISSN #1556-6161
2005-2013 © The Teacher’s Voice. All rights revert to authors after work is published and archived on this site; material may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from their individual authors. All images on this web site are in the public domain and/or fall within fair use limitations, or are used with the artists' permission.

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