
National Priorities Project
National Priorities Project analyzes and clarifies federal data so that people can understand and influence how their tax dollars are spent.
National Center for Education Statistics
GEM: Gateway to Educational Materials
U.S. Dept. of Education
New York State Dept. of Ed.
N.Y.C. Dept. of Education
The Teacher Record
The Proficiency Trap: New York City’s Achievement Gap Revisited by Jennifer Jennings & Sherman Dorn — September 08, 2008 Despite Bloomberg and Klein’s claims that the achievement gap has narrowed, the basic facts about New York City’s achievement gap are sobering.
Obama's Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling. Wednesday 17 December 2008; Henry A. Giroux and Kenneth Saltman.
Teacher Activist Groups
"exploring informal education, lifelong learning and social action" Ideas * Thinkers * Practice
Why Schools Don't Educate
John Gatto's 1990 NYC Teacher of The Year award acceptance speech. Reprinted by The Natural Child Project.
The Underground History of American Education
The 18 pre-publication chapters of John Gatto's groundbreaking book are posted online by the Odysseus group along with reviews and essays.
Anti-Racist Alliance
Center for the Study of White American Culture
Tim Wise: What is White Privilege?
Shame of the Nation
Jonathan Kozol is the author of many books, including Savage Inequalities and Amazing Grace. His most recent book, Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America, was recently released by Crown.
The Forgotten History of Eugenics
Rethinking Schools, volume 13, No.3 - Spring 1999: High-stakes testing has its origins in the eugenics movements and racist assumptions about IQ. We forget, at our own peril, that this legacy hangs over current demands for increased testing.
Why I Am Fasting
Jonathan Kozol's explanation of his protest against the NCLB national policies and outcomes. The Huffington Post 9/10/07
Center for Anti-Oppressive Education
"Preparing members of educational communities to create and engage in forms of education that challenge multiple oppressions."
Real World Professional Development
Education, by Rights
"...the Independent Commission on Public Education (ICOPE) in September 2005 began building a citywide dialogue about how to re-design the failing New York City public school system to guarantee the human rights of students, their parents, and communities." by Liz Sullivan and Cecilia Blewer, Yes Magazine
Independent Commission on Public Education
"On April 16, 2005, parents, students, teachers and advocates met at the Education Action Summit to call for a new system of public education in New York City based on human rights. Whole system change is needed to create schools that meet the needs of every child and place greater power in the hands of parents, students, teachers and school communities..."
New York Collective of Radical Educators
New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) is a group of public school educators committed to fighting for social justice in our school system and society at large, by organizing and mobilizing teachers, developing curriculum, and working with community, parent, and student organizations.
Class Size Matters
Class Size Matters is a non-profit, non-partisan clearinghouse for information on class size and the proven benefits of smaller classes. We also advocate for class size reduction in NYC, where our students are disadvantaged by having the largest classes in the state and some of the largest in the nation.
New Yorkers for Smaller Classes
New Yorkers for Smaller Classes is a coalition of parents, educators, advocates, unions and clergy who have come together to address the continuing crisis of large class size in New York City public schools. The coalition has a long-term commitment to make smaller classes a matter of law, not annual budget dealing.
Teachers Unite
Teachers Unite is dedicated to developing and supporting an educational justice movement of New York City’s public school teachers. By providing resources and workshops that build professional support and organizing skills, it will be a central site for educators committed to social justice to meet, exchange ideas and develop plans of action.
United Federation of Teachers
Independent Community of Educators
ICE-UFT is a caucus within the United Federation of Teachers. We started as a diverse band of active and retired teachers who joined together in October 2003 to provide an alternative voice for school workers, addressing the deplorable conditions for teaching and learning in New York City, and exploring ways to make the UFT into a stronger and more democratic union.
Association for the Prevention of Teacher Abuse
" Teacher abuse is the single biggest reason that our schools are dysfunctional. Teachers are frightened into submission, afraid to speak out against detrimental administrative choices that are harming our children. Our educational system operates more like organized crime, than a profession. Many of our districts are closer to a tyrannical dictatorship than a healthy hierarchy.We need an organization to force accountability and reform upon our schools to protect our children and make teaching a profession."
White Chalk Crime
Blog: NYC Public School Parents
Parent Advocates
The goal of ParentAdvocates.org is to put your child's education into your own hands. Through our website, you can learn about your rights as a public school parent or guardian, as well as those programs, monies and more to which your child may be entitled. We invite you to join us as we establish a national forum on the design and implementation of education policies that empower all children to achieve their personal bests in school and in life.
Nat. Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education
The Education Trust: The Funding Gap
Get the facts on how states like New York lead the nation in their unwillingness to fairly fund education for our most vulnerable.
National Petition to End NCLB Act
A serious 16 point petition constructed by a collective of educators. Please read it for yourself and see if it rings true. See what number it's up to now! To: U.S. Congress We, the educators, parents, and concerned citizens whose names appear below, reject the misnamed No Child Left Behind Act and call for legislators to vote against its reauthorization. We do so not because we resist accountability, but because the law's simplistic approach to education reform wastes student potential, undermines public education, and threatens the future of our democracy...
UFT: New York Teacher Magazine
Educators in Region 4: Don't stop us from teaching our kids.
The Harvard University Civil Rights Project
Listening to Teachers: Classroom Realities and No Child left Behind
Inequality Matters
This link takes you to the facts page of the web site for the book Inequality Matters: The Growing Economic Divide in America and Its Poisonous Consequences. If this graphic presentation doesn't get your attention, nothing will.
Deprived of Dignity
A report by the National Economic and Social Initiative shows that middle and high school students in New York City and Los Angeles are frequently ignored and mistreated in their classrooms, and subjected to harsh discipline policies that punish, exclude and criminalize them.
Education Not Incarceration
A group of teachers, parents, students, and community members who are outraged by the current cuts in education funding. We believe that the state budget needs to prioritize education funding, as well as funding for other important social services, over increased spending on prisons.
Alternative Education Resource Organization
School Culture, Safety and Human Rights
Report by Teachers Unite and the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI): teachers call for preventive and constructive approaches to discipline that create positive school cultures, teach behavior skills and use conflict resolution. Among the largest threats to safety in schools, teachers cited overcrowding, lack of quality training for teachers, inadequate numbers of guidance counselors and social workers, and the lack of opportunities for teachers, students and parents to influence discipline policies.
What is Happening in Oaxaca?
Is it possible? Teachers arrested, beaten, and killed in a struggle for a living wage, adequate working conditions, and school supplies. What can you do about it? This blog lets you know.
National Council of La Raza
An extremely well done statistical brief that "provides a summary of the key data concerning Latinos in the educational pipeline." Sadly, this report highlights that Latinos are at the bottom of the ladder of educational success in the U.S.
National Association for Multicultural Education
NAME Objectives: To establish a clearinghouse for multicultural education resource materials and educational strategies; To establish standards and policy statements for educational institutions, organizations and policy makers; To facilitate initiatives supportive of culturally diverse faculty, administrators, students, and parents in schools at all levels, from pre-K through universities; To develop a national clearinghouse for consultant services to assist educational institutions with multicultural training, research, in-service programs, curriculum development, and solutions related to the creation of a multicultural society; To create a national headquarters to serve as a resource and archive-and as a space for fostering growth, social justice, collegial and community support, and communication about multicultural issues.
Mission: To foster compassion and respect for all living beings and the environment by educating youth and teachers in Humane Education. Our goal is the infusion of Humane Education into all educational settings.
Public Education Network
Public involvement. Public Education. Public benefit. Mission: To build public demand and moblilize resources for quality public education for all children through a national constituency of local education funds and individuals.
Education News
"EducationNews.org is a fresh approach to the age-old problem of increasing coverage of education news."
Fair Funding + Sensible Spending = Better Schools
Educational Liberty and The Separation of School and State
Rethinking Schools Online
Activist organization and magazine founded by teachers
No Child Left Behind: The Test
Take a 20 minute multiple choice test that gets at the hypocrisy of NCLB. One of many informative articles on file at Rethinking Our Schools Online.
No Child Left Behind: Let's Get It Right
The American Federation of Teachers National Campaign to fix the problems with the NCLB act and its implementation.
National Coalition of Education Activists
A multiracial membership organization that unites parents, teachers, child advocates, and union and community activists working to improve public education. "Public education advocacy must be connected to broader struggles for social justice, equality, and democracy. NCEA’s mission is to support activists’ efforts to address issues of race, class, and inequity in public education."
Campus Activism -- Tools for Activists
This website shall strengthen the progressive student and youth movement in the US and Canada through the sharing of contacts, event information, ideas and resources. We want to help you win! The CampusActivism team created this website to empower *YOU*. If *you* contribute, and use it to contact fellow activists then this website will succeed. We're aiming at nothing less than to spark a powerful student movement that will fight for justice everywhere. We are proud to maintain the largest online database of student activist related information. Our goal is to facilitate every aspect of your activism
Link Education: The Education Movement Links
Teaching for Change
"Established in 1989, Teaching for Change operates from the belief that schools can provide students the skills, knowledge and inspiration to be citizens and architects of a better world — or they can fortify the status quo. By drawing direct connections to ‘real world’ issues, Teaching for Change encourages teachers and students to question and re-think the world inside and outside their classrooms, build a more equitable, multicultural society, and become active global citizens."
Inside the Schools
An "independent" guide to New York City public schools:The state of the schools 2004. See how your child's school is doing.
Inside Schools
Check out a school
Beverly Hills: Best & Worst Schools
UFT: New York Teacher Magazine
Mandated model hampers learning in secondary schools
UFT Blog Site: "a place where members, public education advocates, and others can express opinions..."
Urban Youth Collaborative Student Union Petition
"I am writing to ask for your help in circulating a petition from the Urban Youth Collaborative Student Union on school safety. We want to show the Mayor that: 1) there is widespread opposition to the current school safety policies; 2) the new random scanning policy is a step in the wrong direction; and 3) DOE should invest in strategies that respect young people, rather than in those that violate their dignity and make them feel unwelcome in schools...Would you share this on-line petition with your students, parents and colleagues? The petition takes about 3 seconds to complete. For postcards that you can use in your classes, please email Amy Cohen at amy.cohen@nyu.edu."
American Humane Association Petition
Urge President Bush to direct Surgeon General Carmona to prepare a comprehensive report on child abuse and neglect in this country.
Recent Victims of Gun Violence in American Schools
A running count of guns being produced and Americans being murdered by them daily, coupled with pictures of dead students and teachers across the country is chilling. Again, this site can't keep up with posting the victims.
School Violence
A well-organized site that tracks the most (publicized!) deadly school violence within the U.S. and abroad from 1927 to the present. Stabbings and shootings are growing exponentially. Presented by the Angels of Columbine.
U.S. Department of Defense
The official web site for the Department of Defense and the starting point for finding US military information online.
Center For Defense Information
Mission Statement The Center for Defense Information (CDI) provides expert analysis on various components of U.S. national security, international security and defense policy. CDI promotes wide-ranging discussion and debate on security issues such as nuclear weapons, space security, missile defense, small arms and military transformation.
Department of Peace
Participate in an historic citizen lobbying effort to create a U.S. Department of Peace, sponsored in the House of Representatives. The bill will be re-introduced in September of 2005.
"Action without borders" A world-wide data base of thousands of nonprofit organzations.
The Arts & Letters Daily
A service of the Chronicle of Higher Education. An extraordinary resource for educators.
Literary Resources
Gateway to Educational Materials
One of the finest free literary and research resources on the web
Modern American Poets
An online journal and multimedia companion to the Oxford Anthology of Modern American Poetry
American Authors on The Web
The Factory School Audio Archive
A large assembly of highly anthologized poets reading their work.
The William Blake Archive
Works by Blake: illuminated books, drawings, paintings, engravings, and more.
The Academy of American Poets
Poetry Society of America
Writer Beware!
Amherst Education LInks
The Writing Instructor
Project Gutenberg: Free Fine Lit. Downloads
Human Events: The National Conservative Weekly
Ten Most Harmful Books of The 19th and 20th Century
International PEN
Promoting literature, defending freedom of expression
This Republic
Conservative News & Views
Democracy Now!
Non-Corporate Public Access Alternative News
National Public Radio
Free Press
Progressive Independent News & Media Reform
The Rush Limbaugh Show
"Excellence in Broadcasting"
WBAI Radio
Non-commercial public sponsored alternative broadcasting.
Air America Radio
Progressive Alternative News & Talk
Common Dreams: News Center
Breaking News & Views for The Progressive Community
EarthLight: Magazine of Spiritual Ecology
Essay: For The Sake of Our Children by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The Christian Science Monitor
Church of Christ, Scientist: Daily Newspaper
Free Speech Network
"What Democracy Looks Like"
Stormfront White Pride World Wide
White Nationalist website: news, views, discussion board, more...
Revolution: Voice of The Communist Rev. Party, USA
Jew Watch
"Keeping a Close Watch on Jewish Communites & Organizations Worldwide." This site claims "Jew Watch is a not-for-profit library for private study, scholarship, or research. This is NOT a hate site. This is a scholarly research archive of articles."
Independent Media Center
Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth.
Corporate Watch
Holding Corporations Accountable
Psychological Self-help
Teacher Heal Thyself? A useful guide to understanding self and others.
Teaching Clinical Psychology
A Research Guide
A Virtual Library of Educational & Research Oriented Web Sites
Organic Consumers Association
"Campaigning for health, justice, and sustainablility"
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Habitat Jam
Tens of thousands of people around the world just like you connecting in real time over the Internet to discuss and debate some of the most urgent and controversial issues that face a rapidly urbanizing planet. .
Congress.org is a service of Capitol Advantage, a private, non-partisan company that specializes in facilitating civic participation. Allows users to: Identify and contact elected leaders in Congress, the White House, and state legislatures, post letters online in Letters to Leaders and read what other Americans are saying to elected officials, find and contact local and national media by ZIP code or by state with Media Guide